So Brother Sharp's mum bribed him. 🤔
(If Dayrell's mum also bribed him to sell literature, I'm sure it was omitted)
I was never bribed, no need to. With the mid week study of the 'Babylon The Great' book (the first time) and with the revelation type hailstones coming at any moment, the hard proclamation of Jehovah's day of vengeance at hand; that is hearing guilt trip speeches week after week on sell, preach, and sell some more, fresh in my mind. That's all that was needed for me to sell the literature before any manifestations of the wrath of God showed up and not bellyache about it.
But, I always had to turn in the money to Mum. I did get rewarded a couple times though if I sold a good number of magazines on a Saturday. Afterwards we'd go to the Farmer's market and I'd get to buy a car model.